Sayings of Luther on Marriage

Sayings of Luther on Marriage

  1. How Luther Loved Kitty His Rib

Luther records in his writings how much he dearly loved his Katie.  He tells us, “I would not want to exchange my Kate for France nor for Venice to boot!”  To begin with, Luther prized this God given relationship in marriage. He realized how much his wife was a divinely ordained help meet, like Eve unto Adam.  So he daily appreciated the maxim of God giving Katie to Luther and Luther to Katie.  Also Luther brutally reveals that yes Katie had some flaws, but of course “other women have a far greater number of shortcomings. Nonetheless, Katie’s virtues far outweigh any flaws that a critical eye might gather.”  Luther prized his wife, because she was ever faithful and truly honorable in their marriage relationship. I think there is quite a story to be told here!


  1. The Holy Estate of Matrimony is of Utmost Divine Seriousness

Dr. Martin Luther teaches us the divine origins of the gift of marriage. Certainly as he taught from the book of Genesis, as a professor at the University of Wittenberg, Luther realized the vital importance of marriage between Adam and Eve.  God intended to support and uphold marriage as a gift to his first created children, but also all the divine designs of life hung upon the team relationship of husband and wife in the caring for Earth’s bountiful creatures.  And in this reflection, Luther understands that God wants marriage honored, maintained, and conducted by us as a divine and blessed estate.  God designed man and woman that they should live together; be fruitful; and beget children, to nourish and rear them to the glory of God! “Everything in the world serves this estate that marriage might be amply provided for and flourish.”


  1. The Secret to a Happy Marriage

Luther admits in his writings, “For much of my early life, ever since I was a boy, I did not desire marriage. It was considered infamous and impure!”  We see here that the culture of spirituality in the 16th century was that celibacy and monastic life was the elite way to live.  This social ethic led Luther far away from marriage even when he met his wife for the first time. Yet Luther tells us, “I have been very happy in my marriage, thank God!  I have a faithful wife, as King Solomon writes, ‘The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her.’” (Proverbs 31:11)  So the secret is this!  Husband and wife must come to appreciate these gifts of marriage as God gives them: faithfulness, children, and awareness of marriage’s sacred estate.  These are all of God’s design and divine institution. In other words, when we respect and uphold marriage as God has created us for it, then we by all means receive the benefits that God has intended in it!  And the real treasure we must find in family life, is to appreciate the natural affections of husband and wife and love for son and daughter. May the Lord bless us in this tender love.

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